Reaching Beyond Myself
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Merry Christmas!!
BUT, I must admit, I am not a shopper. I loathe it, especially when picking out gifts for my husband, but that's another story ;)
I do have friends who have most of their shopping done by Dec. 1st **ahem** Misty, but not I.......oh, I aspire to one day hit the shopping malls the day after Thanksgiving, but every year when the alarm rings at 4:30 I just roll over and go back to sleep. I don't know where I inherited this gene, as my sister (aka: shopoholic) and mom love to shop. I do not. Every now and then I will go and enjoy it, but I hate holiday (especially Christmas) shopping. So yes, have I begun......nope......we will go on Monday when my parents are here and we don't have to drag kids along and try to hide everything from them. Instead, we will just bear the brunt of the last minute shoppers with their attitudes of glee and fight the crowds......ugh.....
any suggestions for a girly girl who's really into baby dolls?
Have a blessed Christmas and beautiful 2008!!!
Labels: Holidays

None... we never ventured past the Bitty Baby/American girl thing... good quality, etc... Sorry I am not more help...
Merry Christmas Angie..
My girls love The Littlest Pet Shop things...We have just about every dang one that was put on Earth..
Hope u have a great holiday with your family..
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