Reaching Beyond Myself
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Get to know me........ :)
I am 33 years old.
I am a mom
I am a wife
I am a sister
I am a granddaughter
I am a friend
I am fiercely competitive when it comes to things like board games, working out at the gym or debating.
My grandma Lewis is my biggest hero.
She has inspired me to live as a better wife, mother and nurturer.
I wear my emotions on my sleeve.
Women scare me.
I tend to only have a small circle of really close girlfriends.
I like it that way.
If you are in that circle, you know it ;)
I was raised by a single mom.
I have only one biological sister, 1 stepsister and 2 ex-stepsisters.
I think the word “blended” is a superficial way of saying, “messed up”
Only in reference to family though.
I’ve lived in 6 US states and 2 countries.
My favorite state, by far, was Florida.
My favorite country, by far, was Italy.
I love Fort Myers.
I wish we were still there.
I have a social work degree.
I would like to get my Master’s.
If I could go to any college, I would like to go to USC.
I’ve always wanted to learn how to race real race cars.
I like to get my nails done.
At one time, I had ruby red hair, I hated it.
I’m a natural brunette.
I’ve been married for 7.5 years.
We were engaged on our first date.
I love my husband with my whole heart.
He is my exact and extreme opposite.
He makes me giggle.
He is sexy to me, especially in a white shirt when he’s playing his guitar J
I love to watch him play with our children.
He’s the best dad I’ve ever seen.
He makes me want to be a better person.
He inspires me.
I probably don’t tell him that enough or very often.
I am inspired by people.
The most inspiration person in history, in my opinion, besides Bible people was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
I would have loved to hear him speak.
I am passionate.
I love music, all types.
I’m easy going and tough all in one.
I am a brain tumor survivor.
I am a migraine sufferer survivor.
I love my children.
They hold my heart.
They make me stand in awe of being a mom.
I am a Christian.
Without faith in God, I would be dead by now.
I became a Christ follower in April 1995.
I was a leader with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, while in college.
I wish I would have tried Campus Crusade for Christ.
I’ve lived much of my life in fear, mostly of failure.
I choose to embrace each new day as a day full of freedom. This is hard for me.
I’m drawn to passionate, compassionate, intellectual and merciful people.
I’m not a big ice cream fan.
I prefer salty chips and chewy candies over ice cream and chocolates.
My favorite flowers are: Gerber daisies, regular daisies, red roses or tulips.
I hate the smell of fresh tar.
I love the smell of car exhaust.
My favorite season is summer.
I love to swim in the ocean.
My favorite color changes with my mood.
I prefer pink on my daughter while she’s young.
I don’t have a favorite food, really.
I love water with lots of ice.
I’m addicted to reality TV.
I’m currently reading a book called Practical Justice.
I love to wrap up in a quilt with a book on a dreary rainy day.
I’m a home-body.
I like to wear my PJs after work.
I only have one real regret in life.
I hate to “pick up” but I love to deep clean.
I prefer vacuuming and cooking to baking and cleaning toilets.
I always wanted braces, but my teeth were too straight.
I played basketball through high school and started when I was in third grade.
I love college ball.
I will always be a UK Wildcat fan.
I don’t understand football, nor do I have a desire to.
I’m not fond of the presidential candidates who are running.
I’m currently undecided.
I think our social welfare system in this country completely stinks.
I think it needs a major overhaul.
I’m addicted to shoes.
My favorite brand of tennis shoes is New Balance.
My secret wish is to start running again.
I tore cartilage in my knee in 2002.
I’ve had my tonsils removed, when I was 7 years old.
I think divorce is too easy in this country and the idea of commitment is lost on most people.
I would like to start an orphanage in Brazil.
I would like to learn to be fluent in Spanish.
I’m taking a jewelry making class, starting in March.
I like to set attainable goals for each New Year for myself.
I feel blessed each day to be alive
I feel content with my life.
Labels: moi

all wonderfully, perfectly and beautifully Angie!
I love you, my dear friend!
I am so glad that I am not the only human who enjoys the smell of car exhaust!!! Do you like the smell of gas too???
Misty~ thanks, you actually inspired me to write these all down :)
Mandi~ LOL, the smell of gar in a car, not at the pump....which one do you like?
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