Reaching Beyond Myself
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Obama- everyone should educate his/herself.....
Please if you are a voter, educate yourself!!!!
Take the time to view these videos and draw your own conclusions.
To reach beyond oneself, is to truly be self-sacrificing. To look beyond the limits past the outer walls, means to have faith there is something there, someone there waiting for you to get there. Reaching beyond myself is a place I need to live in daily, yet fail at miserbly. Fumble along with me as I journey through learning how to balance parenting, marriage, work, and health on this fast track called L.I.F.E.
a watchful, waiting, wondering momma who loves life to the full extent.
next list 20 froggies...... Things I'm looking forward to on Friday........ Two Lists......running behind :) Drained..... Reasons I will NOT be voting for Obama in 08 Spring Cleaning List #6Today was one of those days.....The only re... 5 So what do I do at 2 a.m. when I can't sleep? I ... What every parent should know about Autism....
I have had MAJOR issues with this man for about two years now..when I heard he was going to run for president, I was dumbfounded.
I loved the second to last video...I have seen all of these videos before, I watch the videos from all of them..
I have nothing better to do;)
although I thought the second to last one was stupid, these were pretty interesting. you know my obama views though.
Flip Flop~ yeah he's a scary dude that Obama :(
Misty~ I know how you're feeling about him, I so wish he would have been what he has talked about....the real change, but alas, I'm afraid he isn't :( which kinda bums me out, but not enough to go vote for him :)
I followed from Flip Flop Head because I'm a Florida Daddy!!
I just posted about the same thing!
Obama and his followers are either s uninformed they don't know, so stupid they don't care or such kool-aid drinkers it doesn't matter.
Southern sage, thanks for stopping by. What part of Florida are you in? I LOVE Florida!!!!
I agree. I think Obama and his inside people are completely aware of what is going on and their beliefs, but his "followers" are the kool-aid drinkers....LOL
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