Reaching Beyond Myself

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Word Association Game


ok, what do you think of?

*another year older

Let me tell you what they are full of around my neck of the woods............

cake, sugar, ice cream, sugar, pizza, sugar and soda....oh and did I mention?.....sugar?

Yep, my daughter turned 6 yrs old today and today also marked her second "official" party.

Which for mommy, means a horrid obstacle course of sugar (in all forms) and trying desperately to make healthy choices, but alas, succumbing to a few lapses in judgement along the way.

I made it through her first party with no problem......I'm not really a fan of cake or ice cream.....whew, no problem.....even the pizza didn't interest me. Instead, I focused on the beautiful party dress I would find and purchase for the wedding in July that I want to look killer for. (vain, but true)

Tonight's birthday party however?

well let's just say, there was no cream?........... yes, but no cake.

Instead, my daughter opted for a huge chocolate chip cookie with frosting on it....***ugh***

For me, if you put Cheetos, fruity/chewy candy and/or chocolate chip cookies in my path I become like a crack addict, addicting to this drug of's so pathetic on my part and I wince at the thought of my complete lack of self discipline in this area.

~Alas it is what it is and I ate a piece of cookie and let me tell you, it was no sliver.

Instead of wallowing in my momentary lapse of judgement and succumbing to the poisonous fruit which was my downfall.....I will press on....I will not lose sight that tomorrow is a new day....that the wagon is waiting and I can hop back on at any point.

Here's to hopping back on the wagon and making better choices tomorrow.

~toodle lou~


posted by True_Floridian Momma at 6:05 PM 2 comments

Monday, June 23, 2008

Flu bug=no workouts

The flu bug has struck our household.....meaning, no workouts until we are all finished feeling like poopy-do.

With my stomach virus has come an onslaught of pain from the area where my gallbladder used to be.......ugh.

Last night I thought my appendtix was about to was no fun......but on the bright side, I have absolutely zero appetite....LOL

Here's to a very soon recovery for my family and myself.......



posted by True_Floridian Momma at 5:55 AM 1 comments

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Back on Track.......

I fell off the "work out" train for about 3 days due to a migraine.......very frustrating.

Then my kids got sick.

Instead of falling into a usual routine of "not going" back to the gym for 3 months because I fell off the train.........I for me :0)
~sorry had to toot my own horn for a sec.
So my sweetheart of a friend, whom I cherish beyond measure: has agreed to be my accountability partner and I hers. We are still fine tuning the details, but I must admit, she sent me an email describing how wonderfully she's doing.........GO MYST!!!!!!!!!! and it spurred me on to get my big fat arse back in the gym.....THANKS GIRLFRIEND!!!!!!
Today I decided that I would weight myself.............E E K!!!!!!!!! run for your life (is really how I felt) but I did it because besides setting some "health" goals, I do want to lose 20-30 lbs before a family wedding we are attending the end of July.
Now, first you must know. I absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt, L O A T H E scales......I think they are satan's fingers in an attempt to wrap his grainy/death grip on my mind to discourage me from continuing to press forward in my weight loss/health journey..........but hey, that's just me ;0)
However, I was able to fit into a pair of capris from 2 summers ago (when I was working out like a crazy woman in Florida) AND they fit......not like a glove or body paint, but they fit. So it got me to thinking, have I lost weight? is this just my imagination? hmmmmm
So I hopped on satan's death grip machine A N D.................. guess what?!?!?!!???!?!??!?!?
I lost a whopping 6.5 lbs!!!! WHOOT!!!!!!!!!
I'm proud of myself and just had to share.....teehee
so I continue to encourage myself and any other readers who stop by here.........remember, it's all about the ****baby steps****
posted by True_Floridian Momma at 11:34 AM 2 comments

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Lead me not into temptation.....

I have figured out that I am my biggest obstacle in this weight loss journey is none other......than........wait for it..........wait for it..........M Y S E L F

Yup, this is my newest revelation.

Yesterday I slacked. Instead of hitting the gym, I hit the gym's outdoor pool. Granted, we all need days in the sun. My problem came as I was packing my son's nutella and pb sandwich (have you ever tried nutella?..........D O N ' T!!!!!!! consider this your warning)

Thankfully, I managed to stop myself after 1/2 of a sandwich, but the damage was done. My calorie count was over for the day, but that stupid sandwich.......300 calories, for a H A L F of a sandwich.........ugh......pure disgust with myself........B U T we did have a super fun day at the pool. (although my poor skin would beg to differ as I suffered my worse sunburn since high school)

Today it's back on track. Those people who said if you fail one day, jump back on the wagon the next. Well I always thought they were stupid. But since I've embraced this new viewpoint, it really is true.

I've been writing down everything I put in my's tedious, but worth it.

So today it was back to egg whites, with weight watchers cheese on a whole wheat tortilla. It was actually good!!

My next goal is to get my endurance up to where my heart rate stays around 150, but I can walk a 15 min mile in nothing flat W I T H O U T holding on to the machine :) teehee

Be healthy today!!

Toodle Loo~~ ;)


posted by True_Floridian Momma at 11:29 AM 1 comments

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Challenge Pledge

Even though I've already started, I came across this pledge in a fitness magazine and wanted to post it here.......

Thanks to Misty who has agreed to hold me accountable :) The good Lord knows I need weekly, if not, daily accountability :)

The Challenge Pledge
On this date, June 10, 2008. I made a commitment to myself to take care of my amazing body. I joined Spark People in an attempt to keep myself accountable and count calories, and I promise to....
LOVE MYSELF!! It's my body. No one else can take care of it for me, so I'm going to make time to exercise, even on busy days.
NURTURE MYSELF!! I know I need healthy food---and plenty of it. I will eat well. And that include dessert, because moderation, not deprivation, is the route to being healthy and happy.
CHALLENGE MYSELF!! I recognize that working hard to achieve my goals will make me a stronger person, and I want to be able to do whatever I set my mind to, now and in the future.
CELEBRATE MYSELF!! Every step I take toward being my healthiest deserves a little applause. That why I will pause to recognize my success and feel proud of my accomplishments.


posted by True_Floridian Momma at 11:03 AM 0 comments

Sunday, June 8, 2008

These ole bones

A C H E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok, well not my bones, persay, but most definitely my muscles.

For some reason, I didn't factor in the complete burning part of my muscles, I would encouter after not working out for soooooooooo long......HA HA silly me.

So yesterday was my "day off" at the gym. Since I work on Saturdays and since I enjoy family time in the mornings, I decided to take the day off........which, good or bad, I did.

Today I am finding the apathy setting in and the "ahhhh, it's Sunday, I don't want to go, I'm tired" crabbies setting in.........

So we'll see if I make it there :)
I know we are going to the pool at the gym, so I will only be about 100 steps away from my torture machine. You know the one that I get on for 45 mins and sweat my brains out :)

In the meantime, does anyone know how many calories one is suppose to eat to lose weight and not pass out? or even the formula to calculate such calories......drop a note and let me know if you do.

Until next on!!!


posted by True_Floridian Momma at 9:17 AM 1 comments

Friday, June 6, 2008

Instant Gratification, not on this journey

So I admit, I am the typical red-blooded American girl (gosh makes me think of Carrie Underwood's new song) anyway.....
I am ALL about instant gratification. At least this is what I'm learning about myself on this weight loss journey.
I've worked out for a whooping total of 4 consecutive days, and since the scale doesn't reveal my magical weight loss of 50 lbs. I'm totally bummed!!!!
What a poser I am, but I digress.......
So in an effort to 'track' my weight loss journey, specifically on this blog. I will post my fat cheeks up here for this week............uck

(as you can tell I really need to work on my self-love issues...hahaha)

<<<<<---------me in Florida after a few months of training.

<<<<<--------me today, as you can see what a few months of NOT working out and eating really crappy can do......

So you can see my point.........I no longer want to be longer want to live dying for breath as I climb 2 flights of stairs or chasing my kiddos around.......N O P E.......


So I will journal on here, post pictures and keep myself accountable in the world of cyberspace, if for no one other than myself :)


I will set some attainable goals for myself, starting today.....

Since my first goal was to sign up at a gym and I've done that I guess that doesn't count :) haha

FIVE GOALS for a healthy lifestyle (JUNE 2008)

1. Work out for a min. of 40 minutes 5 days a week, in the month of June.

2. Drink 72 oz of water daily, in the month of June.

3. Try one new fitness class at my gym, in the month of June

4. Say one nice thing about how I look (out loud) daily, in the month of June.

5. Eat fish at least 4 times, in the month of June.

Attainable huh? A B S O L U T E L Y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

now I just need some accountability, anyone looking for a pen pal weight loss partner? SERIOUSLY, let me know

Be healthy today!!!


posted by True_Floridian Momma at 10:22 AM 1 comments

Monday, June 2, 2008

sweating and my old bones

Today was my first day back to the gym and boy did it feel good!!!

Missouri is quite different in the way they "do fitness" here. There are about 2 types of gyms you can choose from. One where you have a key and use a small room with fitness equiptment anytime of the day or night. OR you can join the "mega gym" where there are pools, multiple facilities, all woman only gym, co ed gyms, pilates machine classes, etc.....very cool....even a cardio class for my kids oh and pools, tons of pools. So I joined. HURRAY!!!!!

Since I haven't worked out in a year. I found a machine in the corner of the "all female" gym on the campus and began on the treadmill. I thought I would only last about 10 mins, but to my surprise, I managed to stay on there for 45 mins at a clip of 4.5......hurray. I was proud of myself, if I must admit. So I'm looking forward to a daily, sweaty workout that gets me back on my path to weight loss and health.

No heart disease, no high blood pressure, no diabetes, no health problems from being overweight for me!!!!

Tomorrow I'm going to take a acqua exercise class, so we'll see, I've never done anything like that before.

I am feeling very inspired, I must say. I've been reading health magazines and in one article a girl lost like 120lbs and she said she didn't think about the entire number but focused on 10 lbs a month, so I've decided to implement this idea.

So press on......take hold of the task that lay's worth it!!


posted by True_Floridian Momma at 11:20 AM 3 comments