Reaching Beyond Myself
Friday, December 28, 2007
The newest addition to our family......

Labels: family life
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Tis the season
As for our family update. We figured out that in 2007, we've lived in 3 different states this year alone. I've gone from a stay-at-home mom to a full-time working mom. Jeff went from a seriously stressed out construction superintendent to a happy, fulfilled Bible college student. My daughter started school, our son transitioned into daycare. I have made peace with my mom after a lifetime of hurt. I've come to appreciate my family in all their dysfunction. I'm thankful for the few friendships that have remain true through all of our journeys through these different states and life changes. With all this change to now lose a sister whom I cherished is extremely difficult for me......
So Christmas was definately a mixed bag of nuts for us this year......
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Merry Christmas!!
BUT, I must admit, I am not a shopper. I loathe it, especially when picking out gifts for my husband, but that's another story ;)
I do have friends who have most of their shopping done by Dec. 1st **ahem** Misty, but not I.......oh, I aspire to one day hit the shopping malls the day after Thanksgiving, but every year when the alarm rings at 4:30 I just roll over and go back to sleep. I don't know where I inherited this gene, as my sister (aka: shopoholic) and mom love to shop. I do not. Every now and then I will go and enjoy it, but I hate holiday (especially Christmas) shopping. So yes, have I begun......nope......we will go on Monday when my parents are here and we don't have to drag kids along and try to hide everything from them. Instead, we will just bear the brunt of the last minute shoppers with their attitudes of glee and fight the crowds......ugh.....
any suggestions for a girly girl who's really into baby dolls?
Have a blessed Christmas and beautiful 2008!!!
Labels: Holidays
Sunday, December 9, 2007
They way I see it......
which I'm thankful for.......
There are only a few things in my life that I know my belief structure won't change, other than that, I'm an open person, especially to being challenged, provoked, or stirred.
I've never been a big fan of Michael Moore, primarily because of what I had heard about him, not based on anything I had discovered for myself. I stand corrected on much of what I believed about him. No, I don't think he's a saint, I just find him to be powerfully inspiring. Yesterday, I watched his movie "Sicko" Mostly, because I am very passionate about health care in this country, especially having lived in a country with socialized medicine (Italy) This movie provoked in me a deep level of fear and awe. Fear because I can't imagine remaining in the's no secret I would take my family to Europe and live a very productive, happy life there. Awe that Americans don't know many of the ills of this "Big Business". Like which politician is in bed with which health insurance company. I am appalled at what I've settled for as an American citizen, honestly. Perhaps it's because I've had some serious medical conditions that have required me to be personally involved, I don't know......what I do know is that this film has provoked me. I STRONGLY encourage everyone to see this film. It will change the way you think of our government and this great country.
On a lighter note......
we are snowed and iced in this morning, so no church. WOW, this is a new idea to our Floridian folk. (granted we're from Michigan, but it's been awhile) It's so funny because here in Missouri, if a few inches of snow fall, everyone leaves work early, but when it's combined with out.....EVERYTHING shuts down. Is it snowing or raining right now? nope, it did and it might later, but at the moment it's completely clear out........I just worries, I'm enjoying my snowed in day and hoping it lasts through tomorrow so I get to stay home from work too!!
That's the way I see it anyway ;)
Labels: random blather
Monday, December 3, 2007
A Christmas survey
2. Tree--Real or Artificial? Fake
3. When do you put Christmas tree up? sometimes the day after T-giving, this year it was Dec. 1st.
4. When do you take the tree down? First part of January
5. Like egg nog? YUCK!!!
6. Do you have a nativity scene? yes
7. Favorite gift received as a child? cabbage patch dolls
8. Hardest person to buy for? Jeff
9. Easiest person to buy for? Our kids
10. Worst Christmas gift? really ugly sweater
11. Mail or email a Christmas Card? mail
12. Favorite Christmas movie? A White Christmas
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Usually the week of
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Not that I can remember
15. Favorite food to eat on Christmas? All of the appetizers my mom makes, especially her spinach dip
16. Clear or colored tree lights? We do white on the tree and colored in the windows
17. Favorite Christmas Song? O Holy Night
18. Travel during Christmas or Stay home: depends
19. Can you name Santa's reindeer's? yeppers
20. Angel or Star on Tree top? Star
21. Open presents on Christmas Eve or morning? one on Christmas eve, the rest Christmas morning.
22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? This year would have to be the COLD weather!!!
23. Favorite thing about this time of year? Traditions :)
Labels: Survey
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Slow painful death..........yikes.........
Regardless of the bogus pass interference call, OU just played a better game.........oh well, maybe next year.......we were #1 and the underdog
One question?
What the heck is a sooner??
Labels: football